Update 2019 – Welcome Back Saline!

Saline is back!
It is with great pleasure that I am able to announce that we were able to raise enough money to bring back Saline for additional surgery. It has been five years since she was here and was only 12 years old at the time. She is now a 17-year-old young lady and is so happy to be back.
She arrived in November and was accompanied by her teacher, mentor, and family friend, Duncan. Saline has had a comprehensive medical physical exam and her immunization vaccines are now up to date thanks to Stony Brook Medicine-Pediatrics.
Saline is living with Kerri and Mike Tame, and their daughters Courtney, Brooke, and Paige. The Tames have graciously offered to host her for as long as she stays here for treatment. The entire Tame family has always been gracious and we sincerely appreciate their generosity. Duncan stayed with Saline at the Tame’s until a week ago when he flew home to Kenya to go back to work and his family. Duncan has been a godsend and we appreciate all he continues to do for Saline as well as the Smile Rescue Fund for Kids in Kenya.
Dr. Alex Dagum and the entire medical team at Stony Brook Hospital as well as Dr. Richard Faber, at Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine, continue to volunteer their services on behalf of Saline. After an extensive diagnostic workup, a comprehensive treatment plan has been developed to prevent the recurrent infections she has been experiencing as well as to improve the esthetics and function of her nose and lips. This will involve a series of surgeries over the coming months. At this time, efforts are being made to have Saline attend school during her stay here. We invite you to contact me (leon@smilerescuefund.org) if you would like to visit with Saline or take her out somewhere. Bowling, movies, aquarium, the city are a few suggestions.
I want to thank all of the SRFK volunteers for their continued emotional and financial support. None of this would happen without you. Tax-deductible contributions can be made payable to Smile Rescue Fund for Kids, P.O.Box 766, Setauket, NY 11733 or via the donation button on the sidebar of this website.
Welcome Back Saline!
Excellent humanitarian support activity.
Thank you.