The Smile Rescue LEAP Program: Lunch for Educational Achievement Program

The Smile Rescue Fund brings children from other countries for life saving craniofacial surgeries. The environments that the recipients come here from are at least partially if not directly responsible for the defect or injury that we are correcting. When a child has surgery and is ready to go back home, as a foundation, we face the reality that we are sending them back to that same tough environment.
Thanks to the tremendous support we have by our donors we have been able to make positive changes in their home countries. In the past we have provided methods to collect rain water in Kenya (since clean water is scarce). We have provided solar lighting to cut down on the expense of kerosene lamps. We have covered the start up costs for making uniforms so that children who cannot afford them, can attend school. We have provided wheel chairs for many kids and adults who could not otherwise fully participate in what life offers them. We have also had a generous donor family provide a boarding school education to our first recipient, so that she could get the education she deserved.
One of the more difficult issues facing our friends in Kenya is the lack of nourishment for the kids there in school. According to Owange Duncan, the Smile Rescue LEAP Program targets orphans and other vulnerable learners who:
“Hardly receive lunch at home so they choose to remain at school without a meal throughout the school day. Go back home and participate in preparing the lunch and other domestic chores making them to miss first lessons in the afternoon nearly everyday and also get back to school too tired to concentrate. They’re always absent from to school due to various challenges associated with extreme poverty. Their academic achievements have, therefore, been so low over the years. A national statistical survey conducted some years back established the school as one in a very poor neighborhood and some pupils benefitted from sanitary towels & shoes among others. The program, therefore, seeks to offer lunch for education” – Owange Duncan
Since a small donation goes a long way in their country, the SRFK have calculated that we can feed a child for a month for $10 and are looking for corporate donors to sponsor a child. This equates to $120 per year; currently we have a goal of covering 100 children. Please consider pledging a recurring $10 per month to sponsor a child. Click here:
**Be sure to select “Make this a monthly donation”